There are two methods
A) Online Visa (Valid only for 30 days)
ETA is an Electronic Travel Authorization granted online through the web based visa system implemented by the Department of Immigration and Emigration of Sri Lanka. An ETA is issued only for Short Visits i.e. less than 30 days to Sri Lanka for Business purposes, Tourism and Transit purposes. Official Web site is
ETA Tourist Visa fee: USD 50
B) On Arrival Visa
ETA can be obtained even before booking your ticket.
Yes, you can extend your visa from Sri Lanka. You have visit to the Department of Immigration & Emigration at “Suhurupaya”, Sri Subhuthipura Road, Battaramulla, Sri Lanka.
If you have applied for an ETA, you can inquire through ETA web site to find out its current status. You will need to enter your Reference Number in order to make this inquiry.
You can also contact our 24/7 dedicated ETA call centre on 0094 71 99 67 888.
ETA is not a pre-requisite to board a flight/vessel to Sri Lanka.
ETA web site operates under the principles outlined in the Privacy Statement. Only the data required to process your application will be collected. It will be used only for this purpose. Data in your ETA application will be stored in secured servers of the Department of Immigration and Emigration of Sri Lanka.
Department of Immigration and Emigration of Sri Lanka has designed payment gateway of ETA in accordance with the international standards.
American Express, Master and Visa cards are accepted.
If you already possess a valid Residence Visa or Multiple Entry Visa, a fresh ETA application cannot be lodged until that visa expires or is cancelled.
ETA is valid for six months and a fresh ETA cannot be obtained using the same passport until that ETA expires. If you lost the passport which contains the valid ETA you need to obtain a new passport and may apply for a fresh ETA by paying the relevant fee again.
You cannot obtain a fresh ETA while being in Sri Lanka irrespective of whether your ETA is valid or expired.
If your ETA application is not approved it will be referred to the Sri Lanka Embassy in Sweden. You may contact the Embassy of Sri Lanka for further assistance.
The fee is non-refundable and non-transferable.
Once an application is submitted processed and payment is made, you cannot cancel the transaction and the payment cannot be reimbursed. Therefore, please ensure that you enter your personal details correctly. If you have made an error, it is important that you correct it before confirmation. Once you have confirmed the details, your electronic payment card (credit card/e-commerce enabled debit card) will be debited for the non-refundable service charge. If you find out later that you have made a mistake, then you will have to submit a fresh application and pay the relevant fee again.
A visitor wishing to stay for more than 30 days in Sri Lanka may apply for an extension. The Short Visit visa may be extended up to 90 days from the date of arrival at the first instance and further 90 days at the second instance.
Application for an extension should be submitted to the Visa Section of the Department of Immigration and Emigration (head office) by visiting the Department or through an Authorized Agent. For more details visit.
Yes. You can take medicine with you subjected to producing the prescription issued by a certified Medical Practitioner at your country. Always keep a copy of your prescription with your medicine.
People who travel from African and Latin American countries have to get yellow fever vaccination. Requirement for vaccination may change from time to time depending on the outspread of epidemics in different parts of the world. Keep your vaccination records along with you at the arrival, if such requirement is made.
You can buy Spirit, Wine and Cigarettes at the Duty Free shops at Bandaranaike International Airport. You are allowed to bring those items only for your personal usage and please consult Airport Custom officials for further clarifications.
You are required to contact the Animal Quarantine Office at the Bandaranaike International Airport.
Please download the application form available at the and forward to to obtain the license.
You are requested to register information with the Sri Lanka Civil Aviation Authority. Please visit
NO, the Tourist Visa holder should not engage himself/herself in any paid/unpaid employments or in any business, media or trade related work upon arrival or during the stay in Sri Lanka.